Creative Catchment Kids Collection
2018 saw a number of books launched across the Murray-Riverina region as part of the Creative Catchment Kids program rolled out by Wirraminna and Petaurus Education Group. The following highlight some of the feedback and showcases what local kids produced throughout the year.
“The students did a fantastic job writing case studies of the landcare farming experience of two of our member farms. It’s great to get kids out on farms and learning about agriculture and the role of landcare and sustainable production. We would like to thank the Roach and Paech families for giving so generously of their time and experience, and the students and staff at St Patricks Holbrook. We loved working with you.”
“Kelly has beautifully put it together and the hard copy really brings out the story in such a sensitive and engaging way.”
“It was very exciting and benificial working on Aunty Fay’s Journey, the feedback from schools and community has been positive and amazing. The main response we had was that there should be more done with our local Elders, students and community.”